Dan Sparks

Architect & Practice Principal

B.Arch (Hons) (U of Qld)
Registered Architect Qld no. 3974

Dan founded Sparks Architects in 2007, having worked with renowned architect Gabriel Poole since graduating from the University of Queensland in 2001.
Prior to completing his degree Dan travelled extensively though out Europe, the Americas, and Asia. These travels had a profound influence on Dan’s appreciation and understanding of the world’s cultures and architecture.

Dan’s deep interest in and love of the natural world is reflected in the practice approach to architecture. It is expressed in all aspects of the design process and the buildings’ resolution – from its methodology of solving complex briefing problems, the siting and manipulation of space and form, materiality and architectural tectonics, through to the buildings’ integration and relationship with their context, environment and landscape.

Dan enjoys learning and practicing permaculture principles at his hinterland farm and spending time with his family at the beach, surfing, hiking, camping, and travelling.